Finding My Focus

Lately, I have been simultaneously energized and paralyzed. True, this is an oxymoron, but strangely it is how I have felt for the past few weeks. In the realm of creativity outside of my 9-5, I have been struck with spurts of excitement about certain ideas, which if I am being honest with myself, are in a million different crazy directions. At the exact same time, I feel completely paralyzed about where to turn and direct my focus. Of course my[Read more]

I Don’t Want to Forget

Half way through the work week and I am surviving! Going back to work full time immediately after maternity leave is much more of a mental shift and adjustment for me than a physical one. I know I need a few weeks to adjust and I also know we will all be just fine! I was pretty sentimental last week about going back and wrote a little something about the moments I don’t want to forget. I Don’t Want to Forget[Read more]

Letters to Little One – 29 Weeks

Hi Little One, Can you believe it, we just clear the second trimester and are move into the third and final stretch! I keep saying that this pregnancy feels like it is taking so much longer than the first one. In the last few days I have really started to relax and accept this time for what it is, without wishing it away so quickly. In recent weeks, I’ve been able to feel you move more, Luke has been talking to you[Read more]

To Find Out or Not to Find Out, That is Not the Question

Photo courtesy of The Krazy LIfe This conversation probably sounds pretty common for expecting mothers weather it’s your first child or second, am I right!? People: “You’re pregnant, congratulations!….” Me: “Thank you! We are excited and Luke’s ready to be a big brother! People: “When are you due?” Me: “The end of October. Fingers crossed it’s not a Halloween baby!” People: “Do you know what you are having?” Me: “Not yet, we are actually going to try and not find[Read more]

34 Forever: A Tribute to Christina

As I sit down to write this post I feel at a loss for words, but at the same time, I am filled with thoughts and words floating through my mind and heart. Today I simply went through the motions, fighting back the tears that kept trying to surface, and sometimes they just wouldn’t go away. I picked up my sweet baby boy from daycare today and he gave me a long, comforting hug after running into my arms. It’s[Read more]