Project 365:4

After an appointment with a potential client in Elk Grove tonight, I couldn’t resist a drive through my old neighborhood. It has changed and our house looks so different but it was nice to see. The trees are so much bigger, of course. I can’t tell you how many cartwheels I did on this front lawn as a little girl =) Good memories.

Project 365:3

Life is precious, cherish what you have while you have it. The doors of life open and close all around us every day and the only thing we can do is take advantage of our open door while we are here on this earth. A community is saddened by the closed door of a young man this week and though I didn’t know him well, I am praying for his family and friends and for his spirit. If you are[Read more]

Project 365:1

I am excited to announce a new blog project, Project 365! I have seen many creative blog posts that feature a photo a day for one year. What better time to start a project like this than on my 29th Birthday. Yes, I turned 29 today, the last day in my twenties. I am excited to document my year in photos and share with you all. I can’t promise to post a photo every day, but I can promise to[Read more]